The Sheriff’s Command Climate Survey provides the Sheriff with a tool for gathering employees’ perspectives and opinions on the leadership, cohesion, and elements of the human relations environment such as discrimination and sexual harassment/assault. The critical feedback on the survey is essential in assisting the Sheriff in identifying strengths and areas for improvement such as maximizing the efficiency of serving and protecting the community with accountability and care for the morale and welfare of its employees. The survey is designed as a self-contained, stand-alone tool and is administered annually.

The Sheriff shall appoint a designee to administer the survey, score or tally the results, and conduct analyses to assess the current climate. The information provided WILL NOT be used to identify employees. It is used by a computer to identify groups of people (e.g., Male/Female, Commissioned/Non-Commissioned, etc.). Employees can protect their confidentiality by taking the survey in a location where others cannot view their responses to survey questions. Please note “confidentiality” or “non-attribution” does not apply to comments involving criminal activity/behavior or statements about threat to yourself or others.