Missouri’s commitment to openness in government is clearly stated in RSMo §610.011 of the Sunshine Law: “It is the public policy of this state that meetings, records, votes, actions, and deliberations of public governmental bodies be open to the public unless otherwise provided by law. Sections §610.010 to §610.200 shall be liberally construed and their exceptions strictly construed to promote this public policy.”
The law sets out the specific instances when a meeting, record, or vote may be closed, while stressing these exceptions are to be strictly interpreted to promote the public policy of openness. Public meetings, including meetings conducted by telephone, Internet or other electronic means, are to be held at reasonably convenient times and must be accessible to the public. Meetings should be held in facilities that are large enough to accommodate anticipated attendance by the public and accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests may be downloaded below and hand carried or mailed to ensure the security of personally identifiable information.
ATTENTION: Court Resources Division
Howell County Sheriff's Office
1106 Missouri Avenue, West Plains, MO. 65775