All adult visitors are required to show a valid photo identification card, such as a current driver’s license or Department of Revenue identification card. Visitors age 13 years and older are required to show a current school photo identification card that includes their name, or a valid federal or state government-issued identification card before admission to the visiting area. Visitors under 18 years old, unless married to the inmate, must be accompanied by an authorized adult visitor.


In an effort to provide a safe and secure environment in which you and your family may visit, general searches of visitors may be conducted. A metal detector may be used to detect weapons or other contraband. This may be completed by a walk-through metal detector or a hand-held wand, which is waved near the body. Because the Sheriff's Office maintains a zero tolerance policy regarding all illegal substances and introduction of contraband, staff may also ask you to submit to a search.


It is illegal to bring in drugs, alcoholic beverages, any article an inmate is not permitted to possess or firearm that may be used to endanger the safety and security of the facility, staff or other inmates. Doing so may be a felony and can carry a punishment of up to 15 years in prison. It is important to remember that when visiting you are required to abide by the Sheriff’s Office rules and regulations. It is also important that you maintain direct control of your children at all times to ensure their safety and to prevent interruption of other visits. If children are unruly or disruptive, the visit may be terminated.


Clothing should not be tight, transparent or revealing. It should not display gang, racial, inappropriate or inflammatory language or symbols and may not have a camouflage design. Skirts, dresses and shorts may be no shorter than two inches above the top of the kneecap. Wrap-around or slit skirts or dresses are not permitted. Holes or slits are not permitted in pants. Shirts, blouses and tops must cover the chest and stomach and have sleeves that cover the shoulders, without display of cleavage or midriff. Appropriate undergarments and shoes must be worn at all times. Undergarments with wire or metal supports are discouraged because you may be required to clear a metal detector. No headgear is allowed except for verified religious purposes and is subject to search.


Visiting an inmate is a privilege that can be limited or suspended. Failure to follow visiting rules, such as refusal to submit to search, use of alcohol or narcotics, unacceptable language, improper dress, presenting risk to the safety and security of the facility, staff, inmates or visitors, participation in illegal activities and/or violations of Missouri law, may result in having visiting privileges suspended, being barred from the Sheriff's Office, or being placed on non-contact visiting status. A visitor may appeal visiting restrictions in writing to the Sheriff or his appointed designee.